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Preseason starts Wednesday Nov 24th & Message From Senior Coach Tim Hart

I write to invite you to preseason training Wednesday 24 November at 6.15pm

Dear Player/Official/Supporter

2010 was a year of great progress, on and off the field for ROCFC.  I write to invite you to preseason training as the Club prepares for an exciting year in 2011.  I know that many of the players who played this year have a real sense of anticipation about the coming season and that a number of new players who will join the Club on leaving school are really keen to experience the whole ROCFC environment.  We look to everyone, regardless of the grade they play or the position they hold around the Club, to contribute strongly to the atmosphere and sense of spirit of the club.

Training will be held at Rostrevor College, commencing Wednesday 24 November at 6.15pm.

Thereafter we will continue on Monday 29 November at 6.15pm and each Monday and Wednesday until Monday 20 December.  After training on this night we will be having Christmas drinks and a BBQ so, hopefully, everyone will join in before they head off for the Christmas break.

All training prior to Christmas will be held at Rostrevor College at this stage.

Training will still be held, regardless of any hot weather, as we have access to the pool and various indoor facilities. Always bring a towel to training.

I surveyed players at the end of the year in previous seasons and Monday and Wednesday were the preferred nights.  Whilst this is not ideal for everyone, it is important that as many players as possible make the effort to attend twice a week, every week.


• The focus of the pre-season is on skill development
• The balls will be out at the first training
• Players will get fit chasing the ball at training, rather than triathlons and the like. There will also be some fitness activities at training.

My belief is that everyone is at the Club for enjoyment.  In my experience, you enjoy the game a lot more when you kick the ball better, handle it better, mark it strongly, are more accurate in kicking for goal, play as a team more, tackle harder and so on.  These things add up to more chance of winning and help create enjoyment and fun.   It is no fun at all being kicked off the ground.

Players also need to support club functions and become fully involved in the life of the club, mix with great people and really enjoy the total ROCFC experience.

My clear focus is for us to get better: every player, in every grade, over the course of the season.

The onus is on the coaches to devise drills to ensure that this development can take place.  The onus on you is to give yourself a chance to play your best footy by regularly attending training.  I expect good numbers right from the start!

We must never fall into the trap of believing that we are better than we are and that success will just happen.  We must work hard if we want to improve.  Certainly there is plenty to build on, but nothing worthwhile will happen without time, effort and consistent willingness to actually change, because getting better means change and development.

League Clubs?

The club totally supports players who go to League Clubs to attempt to better their football and to see how high they can go.  We are proud of what you achieve.  However, when your career at the League Club finishes, at whatever level, this is your home.  You belong here and we want you back!

Players at League Clubs are strongly encouraged to register with the ROCFC so that if something unexpected happens you can play with us straightaway.  Clearances in Amateur League are automatic between clubs, provided players are financial, however, they can take up to a fortnight to process

Consequently, if a player is dropped from an Under 18 or Reserves team he has to play for the club for which he is registered.  For most of our school leavers or for players who go direct to League clubs from school this is their junior club.  We would obviously prefer this to be ROCFC as their back up club. You do not need a clearance from an SANFL club to register as a player with ROCFC or to go back and forward between the SANFL and the SAAFL.

Players who are playing Under 18 SANFL football are eligible to play for us when their League club has a bye or senior players if their club has a bye and they did not play League or Reserves the previous week, as well as if not selected on a given week.

Contact details

It’s common courtesy to let me know if you can’t attend training.  Please ring me or text me on 0418884813 or email:

Please feel free to get in touch at anytime if you wish to discuss any aspect of your football or anything else I can help you with.  If I can’t answer because I’m teaching, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Communication is a two way street. It doesn’t take much to call or send a text to let us know what’s happening.

Coaching news

I am pleased to announce that Glen Malkin will coach the B Grade in 2011 and continue to build our links with the College and Steve Edwards the C Grade. Both are passionate and committed ROCFC people who have a lot to offer our club.

I sincerely thank Peter Pedersen and Mick Borrillo for the passion and energy they brought to these roles in 2010 and hope to still see them around the club.

I am delighted that Tom Wigley will continue as a playing assistant coach.  Tom added a lot to our club and is a fine mentor for our younger players.

I am also working with Matt Footner on a role where he works with young players on their development and transition from school into senior football, adding his experience in a formal way to our development structures on and off the ground.
The Alma Hotel has continued their sponsorship of the club for this season. This is a real sign of confidence in where our club is headed. You are strongly encouraged to support the Alma as we continue to mutually benefit from our strong association.

Likewise, please make a point of supporting other club sponsors when you can.

A club like ours always has a turnover of players, especially to interstate work and to the lure of overseas trips. Some players will also finish due to age, work commitments, injury and the like. It is disappointing if some leave to chase money elsewhere, however, I am confident that we have most players on board for the right reasons and that we will successfully recruit a number of enthusiastic new faces, including many school leavers from the class of 2010. Hopefully, most of these will soon be at training!


You often hear players being interviewed and being asked about their improvement in form.  So often, their response is that they had a good preseason, or an uninterrupted preseason.  Preseason lays the foundation for the year.  If you really want to improve as an individual, as a club, get on board.  Enthuse your mates - get them involved.  Bring new people to the club!  Get some of the ‘old ‘players back involved. Tell your friends on Facebook. Make the effort!

We need to improve every aspect of our football club and many people are working hard to do this. Players need to get fitter, more skilled, understand the game better (game sense), learn set plays and work better as a team. The only place to do this is at training. TRAINING IS CRUCIAL TO PROGRESS- NOT AN OPTIONAL EXTRA- NO MATTER WHAT GRADE YOU ASPIRE TO PLAY.

In the end, talk is pretty cheap. You show that you are serious through your actions.

I often talk about respect.  Respect your own ability by pushing yourself to be the best you can be. Respect the Club by getting involved, by not taking shortcuts, by working hard together.  Respect the competition.  This is tough, competitive, quality football.  There are no easy games.  Respect club officials by communicating clearly and early.
Everyone has a role to play.  Everyone is important!

Show you care. Be there.
Be part of something special in 2011!

I look forward to working with you during the year.

Yours in football

Tim Hart
ROCFC Senior Coach