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Coaches Report R13

A's B's & C's vs Athelstone; D's vs Rosewater & LOSA vs

A Grade Match Report: Round 13 v Athelstone

If ever there was a game of two halves Saturday’s game was the benchmark in 2024.

My lack of journalistic flare will not do the contest justice as it was very much a case if you were lucky enough to be at the ground you will highly likely be recounting this game for years to come. It was a thriller which had absolutely everything.

Taking nothing away from the opposition they set themselves in front of their home crowd filled with past players, supporters and in memory of one of their former champions who had succumbed to the “Beast” that is MND.

They took away the fast start we had enjoyed for the last numbers of weeks and controlled the contest for the opening quarter. We on the other hand found ourselves chasing jumpers, were second to the ball and inefficient with our ball use. A late goal in red time to our opponents on the siren pushed the deficit to 7 points at the break.

The second was more of the same from our perspective, we looked untidy, lacked connection and remained second to the footy. Our lack of pressure around the contest gave another window to our opponents who sensed the moment and continued to build scoreboard pressure. The quarter finished in the same way the first had with a red time goal from turnover in our back half extending the deficit out to 24 points. 

At the main break even the most experienced bookie would have changed the odds significantly. Internally we had spoken extensively about learning to be “comfortable being uncomfortable “..if ever there was a time to do just that this was it.

The opening 3 min of the third was not what we wanted, our opponents maintained their control of the ball extending their lead out by a further two unanswered goals, placing the deficit out to a game high 6 goals. Their crowd were fully invested in support of their side. 

But as we know momentum can shift and shift it did. From the next centre bounce we went on a blistering run of 5 unanswered goals, one of which included a definite goal of the year candidate from Finn Wakelin (from the boundary a check side goal on the run after breaking through a tackle). Each goal created greater energy, greater intensity, and enormous belief. We were back playing our game and on our terms with 21 players contributing. We had bridged the gap to just an 11-point deficit at the final break.

With the momentum pendulum swinging our way we knew if we continued to play our way we had time. The start of the final quarter again presented us with a further challenge which resulted in us having to start the quarter with just 17 on the field. A challenge we absorbed and with real maturity we again went to work. 

The quarter was initially an arm wrestle in the opening minutes with each side kicking goals leaving the scoreboard deficit unchanged and then with another exciting burst we lifted yet another gear. We continued to push maintaining front half territory for much of the quarter with an inner strength which was not to be denied. The clutch goal from long range by Paddy Dawson to seal the game was simply brilliant.

James Warton was announced the medal winner for the game and rightly so as he was outstanding for four quarters. Tullio De Matteis in the back half played an incredible four quarter defensive game restricting the bleeding in the first half and creating so much of our movement. Finn Wakelin was red hot all day, was denied a signature goal on the siren, but was unstoppable in the back half of the game. Will Mead’s return from injury was vintage Mead and Josh Bradford’s tackle pressure and run was incredible.

A game to reflect on no doubt, one we will definitely hold close for now as we must move on to the next one.

Final Score: ROCFC 11.11 (77) defeated Athelstone 11.4 (70)

Goal Kickers: F. Wakelin 2, C. Kemp 2, W. Mead 2, J. Bradford 1, H. Swanbury 1, S. Lanzoni 1, J. Warton 1, P. Dawson 1.

Best Players: J. Warton, T. De Matteis, F. Wakelin, W. Mead, J. Bradford

See you at the footy.

Damian Boots
A Grade Coach


B Grade Match Report: Round 13 v Athelstone

A frustrating game to watch and from our sides point of view frustrating game to play.

For the first three quarters we could not get our game together, we found it difficult to gel through the midfield and forwards in particular. At half time we did mention this and to the credit of the players they did react, and we finally did get our game together and controlled the game in the last although not hitting the scoreboard as much as we would have liked.

Our backs did though play well for the four quarters with three players getting in the top five best players.

Jackson Petty return to form with a fine game, Hugo Shute and Stuart Greenslade have been good all year and they continued that form on Saturday. 

Matthew Brown had a frustrating game up forward but did kick two goals – we shifted him to centre half back in the last quarter where he played extremely well. Amer hit the scoreboard for us again with two goals. Jarryd Ball worked hard all match he is becoming a very important player for us at centre half forward.

Our mids worked hard in particular Dylan Reinbrecht, El Murada and Harry Wright on the wing, and a special mention to Tim Lewis who had a late call up he already played a half in the C grade and played four quarters with us, in the second half he rucked for us and did a great job.

We will take the win and move on to next week against Adelaide Uni at home.

Final Scores: ROCs 8-7 (55) defeated Athelstone 4-7 (31)

Best Players: Jackson Petty, Hugo Shute, Stuart Greenslade, Dylan Reinbrecht, Jarrod Ball.

Goal Kickers: Matthew Brown 2, Amer Elhosni 2, Ky Haddad 1, Tom Bradford 1, Dylan Reinbrecht 1, Adam Whitehead 1.

Dave Moyle
B Grade Coach



C Grade Match Report: Round 13 v Athelstone

It’s felt like an eternity between games for our boys after PHOS Camden had to forfeit last weekend. However, the boys were ready to go after a couple strong weeks of training. 

To Athelstone’s credit, they came out of the blocks firing on cylinders. They kicked the first two goals of the match to take an early lead. Our boys fought back hard and gained momentum for the rest of the half. We ended the first quarter leading by 17 points. 

We started the second quarter right where the boys left off at the end of the first. This quarter of footy was some of the best football we’ve seen from a number of our players. This was led by the dominant Dylan Matthews at full forward and Dion Bria in the forward pocket. The holy trinity of the Brasher Brothers also delivered plenty of excitement as they all chipped in with goals to help us take a 48-point lead into the half. 

The third quarter was more of an arm wrestle between the two sides. Both teams kicked two goals each to keep the game at the same margin at three quarter time. 

Athelstone once again came hard at our side for the last quarter. However, this time they were able to keep their momentum for the rest of the match. They fought back hard with multiple goals and looked to recover the lead we’d established. As dominant as they were in the final term, unfortunately there was just too much for Athelstone to do. Whilst they held us scoreless in the final term, the end result still had us winning by 5 goals.

This game showed our best and worst footy in a short period of time. But it also showed that our best footy, even for a half, is exceptionally elite. We’ll continue to work on some small things at training and storm into finals as we aim to clinch second spot. 

Final Scores: ROCs 13.4 (82) defeated Athelstone 8.6 (54)

Goals Kickers: D. Matthews 3, D. Bria 3, F. Brasher 1, H. Brasher 1, C. Brasher 1, J. Huppatz 1, T. Matsis 1, L. Piantadosi 1, D. Leonard 1

Best Players: D. Matthews, D. Bria, T. Matsis, D. Leonard & J. Hill


Anthony Onofrio & Josh Massie
C Grade Co-Coaches


D Grade Match Report: Round 13 v Rosewater

Home game this week as the Rocs Academy hosted Rosewater FC with a great chance to continue our winning ways striving towards a double chance in this season's finals series.

Rocs started the game with precision teamwork, setting up numerous chances for our reorganised forward line to take advantage of & keep the scoreboard ticking over with unselfish skilful play. A commanding lead at 1/4 time the reward for a complete display of teamwork and skilful execution finishing the hard-earned efforts of the team. 1/4-time score - Rocs 5-1 vs Rosewater 0-2.

During the 2nd & 3rd quarters Rocs were able to hold Rosewater at bay, while keeping the excellent work around contested possession to hold onto the lead & restrict Rosewater's efforts to take control of proceedings. 3/4-time score - Rocs 10-7 vs Rosewater 0-5.

The final stanza was all Rocs as we increased our pressure around contested possession & slammed the scoreboard repeatedly with fantastic teamwork & accuracy to run away with the game, producing a commanding 108pt victory. 

Final scores - Rocs 18-8 (116) defeated Rosewater 0-8 (8)

Goalkickers: S. Marotti 5, P. Norris 3, S. Tagg 2, M. Iliev 2, S. Emanuele 1, A. Goodwin 1, D. Leggett 1, B. Warren 1, A. Slivak 1, J. Richardson 1.

Best players: W. Sullivan, S. Tagg, S. DuBois, S. Marotti, B. Warren, A. Slivak.

Best team men: B. Turner, A. Goodwin, D. Campagnale.

Steve Edwards
D Grade Coach


LOSA - R13 - Loreto OS vs Scotch OC

Loreto OS 04 04 (28) def by Scotch OC 04 07 (31)

Goal Scorers: Emilie Hasler 2, Bethany Ince 2

Best Players: Abbie Deegan, Lucy Franzon, Annie Green, Emilie Hasler, Bella Simpson