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R17 Coaches Report

A's, B's,C's & D's vs Port Districts

A Grade Report – R17

Following on from two really good performances from the A grade over recent weeks we had high expectations of another solid game against league leaders Port Districts.

We started the first quarter well with again pressure acts all over the ground and not giving Districts any easy ball. The stoppages were pretty even around the ground and our defence was holding strong, however, we let a couple of opportunities slip with turnovers and small errors being costly allowing Districts to score three quick goals. Along with Macaulay Glover having an outstanding first quarter the boys to their credit fought back well and with some good pressure and fast ball movement managed to score two goals to finish the quarter off.

Rocs 2.0 v Districts 3.1

The second quarter was much the same with plenty of opportunities, but we found it difficult to find a way through the Port Districts defence. At the same time, our back six were defending brilliantly with Charlie Jordan & Peter Vorrasi continually rebounding out of defence and giving our mids and forwards plenty of the ball. Jett Boxer was playing his best game for awhile and Dylan Reinbrecht continued to give us plenty through the midfield. It was still tight with Districts going into half time 16pts up

Rocs 3.2 v Districts 5.6

The third quarter saw Port Districts start to win more of the ball around stoppages and put continual pressure on our backs, they started hitting the scoreboard on a regular basis as we found it difficult to move the ball out of defence with any method. We lost control of the centre and on a short ground like this one it doesn’t give the backs much respite. We continued to work hard but fell behind.

Rocs 4.2 v Districts 9.9

The last stanza was unfortunately all one-way traffic with Districts taking control over most parts of the ground and scoring far too easily. We let ourselves down with some poor skills and indecisive ball movement making scoring very difficult. Districts finished full of run and we just couldn’t compete at their level during the last quarter.

Final Score Rocs 5.3 v Districts 15.14

Best: Charlie Jordan, Macaulay Glover, Jett Boxer, Dylan Reinbrecht & Peter Vorrasi

Goal Scorers: Jett Boxer 2, Josh Massie, Macaulay Glover & Tullio De Matteis 1 each.

This week is the final round and a must win for the A grade v Goodwood Saints. Let’s get as many as we can to support the three grades and finish the year strongly.

Ben Watkins
A Grade Coach


B Grade Report - R17 

Travelling down to Port Districts can always offer a challenge which I felt we accepted pretty well in parts of the game.

Our issue all season has been trying to put four quarters together in particular when we play top sides as Port Districts are.

An interesting stat is that 20 of our 21 players that played Saturday were 22 years old or younger. 

Our captain Jack Draper played his normal high effort level game in the backlines, Stuart Greenslade and Dylan Fitzsimmons served us well on ball while Jarrad Ball had to play forward and played a workmen like game.

Mackenzie Best also deserves a mention with his effort to ruck all day – due to our lack of talls.

Sam Hearn also played well, and Harry Wright displayed his class at times and also played well.

We finish off with Goody Saints at home this week– looking forward to that.

As I said to the players after the game lets treat this as our Grand Final!!!!!

Final Scores ROCs 5-3   Port Districts 16.15

Best Players – Jack Draper, Stuart Greenslade, Dylan Fitzsimmons, Jarryd Ball and Mackenzie Best

Goal Kickers – Stuart Greenslade, Thomas Hill, Tom Snowball, Jarryd Ball, Mitch Warren.

David Moyle
B Grade Coach


C Grade Report – R17

The team headed off down to the port to play one of the top sides, Port Districts on their home turf. As I’ve reported before ROCs don’t travel well. The usual happened and three players pulled out from the selected team. The team started very well and with some luck we should have gone in leading at Quarter time. Vince Clemente started well up forward and we got on top in the middle. Ed Greenslade was moved onto their CHB who was killing us and was given the job cutting him out. We went into 1/2 time pretty even on the scoreboard. The second half saw Districts get control, Lewis Matsis battled hard in the centre and Jayden Smith gave us plenty of run off the wing. We went into the last quarter about four down, but we couldn’t sustain the pressure. Cookie rucked all day, and our Captain Tim Lewis had his best game of the year. Districts went on and belted us in the last which was very disappointing. Unfortunately, it put an end to our finals aspirations but as we’ve lost the last 5 games in a row you get what you deserve. I have never had a best team man during the season but for the first time this year I have given it to Lucy O’Malley. Lucy was my runner for the match and not only excelled at the job but emphasised to me what being a great club person is. Thankyou Lucy

Final Score: Port Districts 16-12-108 def ROCS  4-8-32

Goals: Jordan Huppatz 2, Jayden Smith, Luca Piantadosi 

Best: Timmy Lewis, Daniel Cook, Jayden Smith, Lewis Matsis, Edward Greenslade

Tony Franzon
C Grade Coach



D Grade Report – Final Round

The final game in season 2022 for Rocs Academy hosting Pt. District in cold & soggy conditions at 

The Quarry started with both combatants slogging away in a willing contest of desperate wet weather footy with overall possession even, but Pt. District were deadly Infront of goal booting clear of Rocs by the first siren.

1/4-time scores Rocs 0-3 vs Pt. District 3-1.

Rocs continued to work hard but couldn't find any avenue to goal & wasted all the best efforts by our Team to create scoring chances. The Red & Blacks never gave up trying & maintained dominance in general play only for Pt. District to be cleaner with possession & more direct in the first half. 

1/2-time scores Rocs 0-7 vs Pt. District 3-2.

During the second half Rocs finally managed to pressure Pt. District with scoreboard pressure but the gap was too hard to bridge & despite wasting more chances to goal Rocs eventually trailed by 10 pts as the game ended.

Final score Rocs Academy 5-11 def by Pt. District 7-9.

Goalkickers - A. Creame -1, S. Marotti -1, L. DuBois -1, J. Haddad -1, F.Di Iulio -1.

Best players - D. Huppatz, S. Emanuelle, S. Bridge, K. Haddad, L. DuBois.

Best Team man - M. Dzido

Steve Edwards
Academy Coach