Message to all Players and Supporters
re: COVID-19
“Message to all Players and Supporters re: COVID-19 Dear Players and Supporters of the ROCS,
Published below is the Adelaide Football League Infectious Diseases Policy and Guidelines re: COVID-19 as at yesterday, 12 March 2020.
These Policies and Guidelines were published on the Players’ closed Facebook page yesterday. (see below for the Guidelines)
We published them here so as to keep our supporters informed.
In particular, please note carefully the items in the boxed section under point 2 – “Returning from overseas travel” Please read this carefully and if it is applicable to you, we respectfully request that for the benefit of all you follow the Guidelines.
We will endeavour to keep you informed as this issue unfolds including any change to the start of the season.”
Our trial game against Old Iggies at Thebarton oval on Saturday night has been cancelled (mutually agreed upon) Updated today at 2.25pm 14/03/20
is proceeding. However, this may change at short notice. We will endeavour to inform you if it is cancelled.”
Adelaide Footy League
Infectious Disease Policy and Guidelines – 12th March 2020
The health and safety of players, umpires, club volunteers and spectators is paramount, therefore the League is closely monitoring advice from the Australian Government, Department of Health, Sports Australia, The AFL and or SANFL regarding how football clubs and the community at large should manage the spread and education surrounding coronavirus.
The AdFL puts the welfare of all participants in our community at the forefront of all we do and will look at all necessary precautions to ensure a safe environment is provided to all participants and spectators.
At this stage, the 2020 AdFL Season and associated events will continue as planned.
The AdFL will continue to monitor the situation with the relevant authorities and provide regular updates as required.
1. General Practices
Current understanding is that Covid‐19 is spread from person‐to‐person when people are in close contact or when an infected person coughs or sneezes, releasing the virus into the air as droplets. These droplets can then enter another person’s mouth or nose or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Infection may also be spread by touching a surface contaminated with Covid‐19 then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
Symptoms of Covid‐19 infection typically begin 2‐14 days after exposure and include fever, fatigue, muscle aches and cough. More severe symptoms include diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia.
If you have not been in an area where Covid‐19 is spreading or been in close contact with someone who has and is now infected, your chances of getting Covid‐19 are currently low.
However, it’s understandable that people may feel anxious about the situation.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent Covid‐19 infection, therefore individuals should take precautions to limit exposure and prevent the spread of germs:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol‐based hand sanitiser
- Wash or sanitise your hands before eating
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Stay home and seek medical treatment when you are sick
- Cover your mouth to cough or sneeze
2. Returning from overseas travel
If you have travelled to Mainland China, Iran, Italy or South Korea (countries listed by the Australian Government) in the last 14 days, you will need to:
• stay at home and self-isolate for the next 14 days
• monitor your health
• obtain a medical clearance from a doctor before returning to work
Please contact your Club or Manager immediately to talk through what arrangements need to be made.
If you have travelled to Japan, Mongolia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore or Thailand in the last 14 days, you will need to:
Contact your Club or Manager immediately to talk through appropriate health and safety measures. This may include providing medical clearance from a doctor. We recommend Club Officials request of its players and volunteers who have travelled to the above countries do not attend the club for at least 14 days.
3. Government Emergency Response Plan
The Australian Government has activated its Emergency Response Plan to an impending coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19 Plan). At present, the Government has only updated travel warnings and restrictions for the countries listed above, however various meetings of Government are taking place regularly to monitor any changes in the situation and to consider implementing any further measures.
With respect to Club Operations, be prepared to
- cancelling/restricting large gatherings
- cancelling club training
- implementing "social distancing" measures i.e. social events
- implementing infection control guidelines and healthcare safety and quality standards
4. Short-term precautionary measures
- Coronavirus or not, the days of sweaty hands tipping a cup into bucket of Powerade is no longer hygienic if it ever was at all.
- it would be prudent to have all players be in possession of their own drink bottle.
- place hand sanitisers around the changeroom and encourage players to use them
5. Feeling unwell ?
If you are involved with a Club and are feeling unwell, we ask that you please seek prompt medical advice and advise your Club.
6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Football & Umpiring
The AdFL’s Football, Risk & Umpire sub-committees are monitoring the current situation in relation to our impending 2020 season.
- The League has implemented a short term action to suspend Umpiring Training to be reviewed weekly
The following matters are being considered:
- Player shortages
- Umpire shortages
- Team forfeits
- Competition postponement
o Fixturing & alternatives
- Competition disbandment
- Managing infection if detected
Commercial & Events
- The AdFL’s Commercial, Media & Events sub-committee are monitoring the current situation in relation to our impending 2020 season.
- Clubs should consult their relative suppliers as to whether or not delivery will be disrupted or delayed.
- The League will be conscious of external factors impacting compliance to Apparel Regulations though more importantly will work with the impacted Club on arriving as a palatable solution.
The following matters are also been considered:
- Holding AdFL events where large numbers will congregate
- Impact of cancelling AdFL events
The AdFL’s Finance & Risk sub-committee are monitoring the current situation in relation to our impending 2020 season
The following matters have been considered:
- AdFL Staff Absences
o Sick Leave
o Long Service Leave
- Reconsider fines for forfeiting teams (with justifiable COVID-19 reasons)
- Impact a postponement of the season will have on affiliation fees
- Impact a cancellation of the season will have on affiliation fees
We will continue to monitor the status of the Covid-19 Plan and update clubs accordingly.
Reviewed/Approved - John Kernahan/CEO - 12th March 2020