Ride for Rostrevor - April 7th
This event is open to the entire Rostrevor College Community and it would be great to see as many people from the ROCS involved as possible!
With the cycling season in full swing I would like to extend an open invitation to all members of the greater cycling community to join our very own cycling event “ Ride for Rostrevor”.
This event which features 30, 60 & 90km routes through the Adelaide Hills and starts and finishes at Rostrevor College is open to all members of the public including current parents, staff, Old Collegians and regular bike riders.
The event will be held on Sunday 7th April at 7.30am and will conclude with a family fun day.
We also have on offer an exclusive ‘Ride for Rostrevor’ cycling jersey, however orders for the Jersey close on the 1st February, 2013.
Registrations and Jerseys can be purchased via our website - click on the link to see more www.rideforrostrevor.com.au