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Premiership Reunion Function

Celebrate the ‘80, ‘86, ‘91, ‘03 Premiership sides

Please click here to download your invitation to our much anticipated premiership renunion function to be held on Saturday August 6th.

It's the aim of the  ROCFC committee to celebrate the anniversaries of our 1980 (30 years), 1986 (25 years), 1991 (20 years) and 2003 (what the hell!?) together with all past and current players who have had an association with the club since 1974, to get together and celebrate old times. Spouses and partners are very much encouraged to attend.

We have made every effort to keep costs down so as to involve as many as possible. We are aiming for a crowd of around 250 and ask that you book your tickets promptly. Any questions or suggestions please contact Tony Cattrall on 0431044703 or

Our email list is a work in progress so we ask that you forward on this invitation to any relevant ROC'S people and cc Tony so they can be added to our data base.

Tickets will be sent two weeks prior to the event.
We look forward to seeing you at this event.

Click on the links below to see premiership team shots from the 1980 & 2003

Premiership Pics

Celebrations from the Premiership Pics
Troy Barnes